Dear users of Kinglong Bus:
To make certain you can buy correct King Long bus partsyou should pay attention to the following notes when you buy XMQ6900J series buses parts of King Long company:
1. “XMQ6900J Parts Catalog” is only applicable to XMQ6900J series buses of King Long Companyit is unavailable for other types;
2. With the increasing improvement of product structure or technology and new requirements raised by usersthere may be some difference between partial structures of products you have bought and the related introduction to them in this book. In such a casethe practical object should be followed. You are kindly required to make such information as bus typeproduction No. and part code known to us for the correct supply of your desired parts at buying.
We will replenish and perfect this atlas constantly at a proper timewe are truly sorry to bring you inconvenience before the correcting ;
3. To make certain the quality of the parts you buyplease purchase the parts at king long service stations、franchised dealers、spares department at Kinglong bus headquarter and retail center.
“XMQ6900J Parts Catalog” is designed by Kinglong United Automotive Industry Co.Ltd. And you are kindly required to point out the unavoidable defects for the increasing perfection of this atlas.
We sincerely express our thanks for your concern and deep favor for Kinglong Busand also wish you and your unit a thriving business and plain sailing!